Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I love reading travel blogs. I probably spend way too much of my free time reading them. I also love to talk to other people about travel.

My hubby and I do tons of travel with our kiddos so it's always great to share the things we have learned (and continue to learn).

Both of our kids started traveling around six weeks so we have a lot of experience traveling with babies and now, with toddlers.

Here is our little guy on his fourth flight when he was 10 weeks old

In any event, I'm excited to share our crazy travel adventures with you. We have some pretty awesome trips planned and I also have some pretty recent trips to review for you including a family trip to Hawaii and a one parent, two toddler trip to Portland.

I'm hopeful that this blog can be of use to someone and help you as you prepare for a trip with your kids. If you ever have any specific questions, please feel free to email me at and I'll do my best to get them answered for you!

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