Okay, I feel so bad about not having posted in so long but after I got the last posts up, things got crazy at our house!
So the biggest travel related news is that we are going to be moving across the country in a month or so. That really messed with my free time because we decided to do something totally crazy and move out of our apartment and stay in hotels full time until we make the big move.
Now, there is some reason to this insanity. We were already planning on traveling for 3 out of 6 weeks between July 1st and our move date so we figured, why not go ahead and get our stuff packed up early and make an adventure out of it.
Our first trip was to Washington DC over the 4th of July. I hope to have a mini trip report (along with the things we learned in our first week of living out of suitcases) coming up soon. The trip was so crazy because I was exhausted from moving into a storage unit and the kids were a little confused because of everything going on so there aren't going to be a ton of pictures sadly.
All along the way, I plan to post pros and cons so that if you are ever thinking about doing something similar or even just taking an extended vacation with your kids, maybe I'll be able to provide some insight.
Please feel free to ask questions if you have any. I know the idea of what we are doing sounds totally crazy (believe me, it took me awhile to warm up to the idea) but so far, I think it has been worth any hassle that has come along with it.
I'm excited to share the adventures that we are planning in the next few months!